Artwork Guidelines
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We accept a variety of design files from our customers for use in the production of your signs. The files we accept are IBM PC compatible. It is important that we know the software package you used to create your file as well as the format in which it was saved. There are two big categories in file formatting: Vector and Raster (bitmap). Vector files are images that consist of layers and paths that can be enlarged without risk of blurring or pixelating. For this reason, vectored images are the preferred choice for banners, digital printing and other services that we provide. Programs such as Adobe Illustrator produce vector images.
Vector files we accept are:
- AI – Adobe Illustrator CS6 or earlier
- EPS – Encapsulated Postscript
- Flexi Sign Pro 7.6 or earlier
- DWG or DXF – AutoCAD Drawings
Raster files are created when the image you used was either scanned or taken from a digital camera or also created in a bitmap editing program like Adobe Photoshop. Raster files can also be created from illustration programs such as Adobe Illustrator.
Raster files we accept are:
- BMP – Windows Bitmap File
- TIFF – Tagged Image Format
- JPG – Compressed Bitmap
- PDF – Adobe Portable Document Format
- PSD – Adobe Photo Shop
Special Notes:
- Convert all text to outlines before saving
- Save file at 100 DPI at full size or 400 DPI at a 1/4 size
- Create files in CMYK color settings
- All files must be PC-Based